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donosi vesti, zanimljivosti, program
donosi vesti, zanimljivosti, program
Pomjeramo granice/Moving boundaries 26’
Montenegro; Marija Racković
The film tells the stories of three students with disabilities and members of the Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro, all three of them living independently in Podgorica. The film depicts their experiences on the road to independence, and the obstacles they, and many other people with disabilities encounter in the capital of Montenegro every day. | Film prati priču troje studenata sa invaliditetom, članova UMHCG-a koji samostalno žive u Podgorici. U filmu su predstavljena njihova iskustva na putu ka samostalnosti, kao i prepreke sa kojima se oni, ali i mnoge osobe sa invaliditetom u glavnom gradu Crne Gore svakodnevno suočavaju.
The Moment/Momenat 1’
India; Akilesh Kathamuthu
There are some moments of courage, selflessness, heartfulness and compassion in life that reveal our true nature. We, as humans sometimes get the opportunity to peek into the beautiful world of lending a hand to a fellow being, sometimes irrespective of our disabilities. Hidden under the rubbles of modernisation and materialism always lies the tender heart that cares for others as much as we do for ourselves. A knock is perhaps needed to open the doors to that paradise.This is one such moment… | U životu postoje trenuci hrabrosti, nesebičnosti, srdačnosti i saosećanja koji otkrivaju našu pravu prirodu. Mi, kao ljudi, nekada dobijemo priliku da zavirimo u divan svet pružanja pomoći drugom ljudskom biću, bez obzira na nase invaliditete. Skriveno ispod ruševin modernizacije i materijalizma, uvek se nalazi nežno srce koje brine za druge isto koliko i za sebe. Nekad je možda samo potrebno pokucati da bi se otvorila ta rajska vrata. Ovo je jedan takav trenutak… |
Gestures/Gestovi 10’
Brazil; Alberto Goldim and Julia Cazarré
Anna works at a bookstore. Lucas is suddenly very interested in books. A romantic comedy in which Chaplin meets the nouvelle vague. In Brazil. | Ana radi u knjižari. Lukas je iznenada veoma zainteresovan za knjige. Romantična komedija u kojoj se susreću Čaplin i francuski novi talas u Brazilu. |
César’s Voice/Cezarov glas 11′
Spain; Cesar Maglioni, Sara Ramos
César is a happy boy who was born with cerebral palsy. He lives with his girlfriend, it’s their anniversary and he wants to offer her some flowers. The lack of empathy of some people will not be the only obstacle to fight with to reach his goal… | Cezar je srećan mladić koji je rođen sa cerebralnom paralizom. Živi sa devojkom i za godišnjicu veze želi da joj pokloni cveće. Odsustvo empatije kod nekih ljudi neće biti jedina prepreka na njegovom putu do cilja… |
Four and a half senses/ Četiri i po čula 20’
Romania; Racula Gorgos i Ion Arama
Being blind for more than 30 years Mr Grosu is doing, as always, his daily routine, trying to recompose the reality in his mind. Accidents happen from time to time, but he receives the help of his lifelong partner Ms Grosu. A quiet life in a beautiful house, somewhere in Bucharest. All this fairy tale ends suddenly, in a morning, when the house is silent. No music on the radio, no newspaper sound, silence in the kitchen. The house becomes too big, the space too empty. Mr Grosu has one last decision to take. | Slep već 30 godina, gospodin Grosu obavlja, kao i uvek, svoju dnevnu rutinu, pokušavajući da sastavi sliku realnosti u svojoj glavi. Nezgode se ponekad dešavaju, ali on ima pomoć od svoje životne saputnice, gospođe Grosu. Vode miran život u lepoj kući negde u Bukureštu… Međutim, ova bajka se naprasno završava jednog jutra, kada je kuća tiha. Nema muzike na radiu, šuma novina, zvukova u kuhinji… Kuća je odjednom previše velika, prostor previše prazan. Gospodinu Grosi je ostalo samo da donese još jednu, poslednju odluku |
The Blind of the Cathedral/Slepi u katedrali 18’
Lebanon; Nadine Asmar
In front of a cathedral, fate led to Hala and Bachir’s meeting. At first sight, they share nothing in common: she is a 15-year-old student, she is Muslim and she sees. Whereas Bachir is 27, he plays the lute, he is Christian and blind. In a country ruled by hatred and conflicts, division and exacerbated sectarianism, and just before the burst of the civil war, two pure souls meet. Hala and Bachir will go through an adventure that will empower their innocent love. But a dark fate awaits them… | Sudbina je htela da se Hala i Bahir sretnu ispred katedrale. Na prvi pogled nemaju ništa zajedničko: ona je petnaestogodišnja učenica, muslimanka i može da vidi. On ima 27 godina, svira lautu, hrišćanin je i slep. U zemlji kojom vladaju mržnja i konflikti, podele i ekstremni sektarijanizam, baš uoči građanskog rata, dve nevine duše se upoznaju. Hala i Bahir će proći kroz avanturu koja će osnažiti njihovu nevinu ljubav. Ipak, mračna ih sudbina očekuje… |
Love, Sex and Rose/Ljubav, seks i ruža 5’
Canada; Leonardo Suarez
Love, Sex and Rose tells the story of how a man born with cerebral palsy has driven him to overcome the perceived sexual disadvantages of living with disability | Priča o čoveku rođenom sa cerebralnom paralizom, koji se naterao da prevaziđe umišljena seksualna ograničenja koja sa sobom navodno nosi život sa invaliditetom. |
Hole/Rupa 15’ ** sadržaj nije primeren za mlađe od 16 godina/R16
Canada; Martin Edralin
A daring portrait of a disabled man yearning for intimacy in a world that would rather ignore him. | Odvažan prikaz muškarca sa invaliditetom koji žudi za intimnošću u svetu koji bi ga radije ignorisao. |
AFTER THE FILMS, DISCUSSION with guests and audience: Changing perspectives on … |