PETAK 22.09.2017.

PETAK-FRIDAY 22.09.2017.


Idiot/Idiot 18’
The Netherlands; Dewi Reijs

Yildiz is a 16-year old mentally disabled girl who wants to show that she is just like anyone else. Yildiz dreams of becoming a fashion model and one day she ends up backstage of a big fashion show where her sister works. That day her biggest dream comes true… Jildiz (Yildiz) je šesnaestogodišnjakinja sa mentalnim invaliditetom koja želi da pokaže da je ista kao i svi drugi. Ona mašta o tome da postane manekenka i jednog dana se nađe iza kulisa na velikoj modnoj reviji gde njena sestra radi. Tog dana, njen najveći san se ostvaruje…

A Child of the Father/Dete oca 13’
Iran; Ahmad Monajemi

In the first episode, a disabled boy is murdered by his paternal grandfather and in the second episode, The same boy is murdered by his mother. But the law is different for grandfather and mother. U prvoj epizodi, dečaka sa invaliditetom ubija deda sa očeve strane, a u drugoj istog dečaka ubija njegova majka. Međutim, deda i majka nisu isti u očima zakona.

Vase/Vaza 2’
Iran; Vahid Bemani

The young girl’s father is a self-sacrificed man who possesses one leg. The young girl has planted a flower in the shoe which belongs to her father’s amputated leg. Otac mlade devojke je požrtvovani čovek koji ima samo jednu nogu. Devojka je posadila cvet u cipelu koja je bila za njegovu amputiranu nogu.

Father Tongue/Očev jezik 3’
Turkey; Tahir Un

Ali is a young ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patient, diagnosed by his doctors to have left three more years to live and can not use 98% of his body. Also, Ali has lost the ability to speak. This show testifies to Ali’s dialogue with his daughter.


Ali je mladi ALS (amiotrofička lateralna skleroza) pacijent koji je dobio lekarsku prognozu da mu je ostalo samo još tri godine života. On ne može da koristi 98% sopstvenog tela i izgubio je sposobnost govora. Film svedoči o dijalogu između Alija i njegove ćerke.

Sense/Čulo 11’
Turkey; Ali Demirtaş

 “Sense” is a short film about psychological and sociological state of mind of a young man, who has a lack of sense of hearing, during the process of creating a literature magazine with one of his friends. He can only communicate with his friend through the sign language. They meet up almost every day to work on this magazine. Within this period with some events, these two friend’s conversations will change and also these will affect young man’s life about the dilemmas he is facing. This impact will be effective on his character that is developed through his lack of sense of hearing and also on his feelings towards his friend.


Kratak film o psihosocijalnoj perspektivi mladića sa oštećenim sluhom dok pravi literarni časopis sa jednim od prijatelja, s kojim može da komunicira samo znakovnim jezikom. Sastaju se skoro svakog dana da rade na časopisu – tokom ovog perioda, i podstaknuti određenim događajima razgovori dvojice prijatelja će se promeniti. Ovo će imati uticaj na mladićev život i to kako razmišlja o dilemama sa kojima se suočava i delovaće na njegov karakter osobe sa oštećenim sluhom, kao i na njegova osećanja prema prijatelju.

Birthday/Rođendan 13’
Greece; Dimitris Katsimiris

Marios, a young man with cerebral palsy, is waiting for his uncle, with his mother at home, to celebrate together his 22nd birthday. But the arrival of his uncle, with his new girlfriend, will upset the family and create a suffocating atmosphere in the place.


Marios, mladić sa cerebralnom paralizom kod kuće sa majkom čeka ujaka da zajedno proslave njegov 22. rođendan. Međutim, dolazak ujaka, i njegove nove devojke, uzrujaće čitavu porodicu i napraviti nepodnošljivu atmosferu u kući.

The Way of Patachin/Patačinov način 12’
Mexico; David Ferreira

Patachín is homeless by choice; living on the streets of Venezuela, in a small tent made with a sheet. A while ago, lost his leg in an accident and since then, he used the bicycle as a vehicle to maintain their lifestyle, doing errands that prompts people. Patačin je beskućnik po sopstvenom izboru – živi na ulicma Venecuele u malom šatoru od platna. Pre određenog vremena je izgubio nogu u nesreći i od tada koristi bicikl za obavljanje raznih poslova da bi održao standard i stil života, podstičući ljude oko sebe.

In Crystal Skin/U kristalnoj koži 18’
USA; Michaela O’Brien

In Bogotá, Colombia, a charismatic eleven year old named Maria Alejandra struggles to maintain a normal childhood despite the limitations imposed by a rare skin disease. Conflict between mother and daughter arises when Maria refuses to attend school early one morning. U Bogoti, Kolumbija, harizmatična jedanaestogodišnjakinja Marija Alehandra bori se da vodi normalno detinjstvo uprkos ograničenjima koja nameće retka kožna bolest. Konflikt izbija između majke i ćerke kada Marija jednog jutra odbije da ide rano u školu.

Izzy /Izi 19’
Croatia; Drago Toroman

Izidor is a 40-year-old man, a person with disability. He has cerebral palsy and tetraparesis, a shrapnel in his lungs and only one kidney. He lives with his sick parents. His mother went through chemotherapy, while his father suffers from PTSD and has survived two strokes. Izidor’s sister is an unemployed mother of three. This is a film about their destinies and the fear of the uncertain future. Izidor je četrdesetvogodišnjak, osoba sa invaliditetom, sa dijagnozom cerebralne paralize i tetrapareze, sa šrapnelom u plućima i jednim bubregom. Živi s bolesnim roditeljima. Majka je prošla kemoterapiju, a otac boluje od PTSP-a i preživio je dva moždana udara. Izidorova sestra je nezaposlena, majka troje djece. U filmu se isprepliću njihove sudbine i strahom neizvjesne budućnosti.


NAKON PROJEKCIJA RAZGOVOR S POVODOM sa gostima i publikom:Važnost podrške  

AFTER THE FILMS, DISCUSSION with guests and audience:     Importance of support